Experiences of other parents

Discover firsthand what other parents have to say about their experience working with me for their childbirth preparation and their perspectives on the antenatal course. Read the testimonials below to gain insights into the impact of the course and how these parents reflect on the valuable preparation they received.

Newborn and mother after birth

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Sinead Kennedy
2 months ago

Myself and my husband did the course with Titia and it was amazing. It really helped me and eased my anxiety around giving birth. I would highly recommend Titia and this course to anyone expecting a baby as the skills and information you learn are so valuable and played a huge part in me having a such a positive birth and postpartum experience.

Vivien Varga
7 months ago

The course exceeded all our expectations, arming us with great tools and knowledge that have prepared us for the upcoming adventure of birth.
Her course was comprehensive, covering everything from mental preparation techniques to physical practices designed to make the birthing process as smooth as possible. The detailed explanations and exercises on breathing techniques for various labor stages, along with diverse birthing positions, were especially fun and interesting for my husband and me as well.:)
The course was perfect to give me confidence in my body’s ability to navigate the challenges of birth. 
We appreciated the handout we got during the course that’s very helpful for my husband too. It's packed with useful information on the stages of labor and how he can support me through the intense sensations and gives us guidelines on how to write our birth plan. It also offers advice on advocating for our rights in the hospital and effectively communicating our needs with medical professionals.
Titia’s expertise and supporting nature helped us feel ready and excited for “the big day”.
We’ll always be grateful for her guidance! I can only recommend her course to all the pre-mamas and papas who wish to be educated and well-prepared for their baby’s arrival.

9 months ago

This course really helped me to feel knowledgeable and prepared for a homebirth. To know what's really going on in your body during a birth and how you can support this process with easy to apply breathing techniques.
You can really tell this is Titia's passion. She can tell you so much about it. She takes the time to make sure you get all the info and feel confident to really go for the birth you desire.
We should have been taught these things at school! But ok, now Titia can explain you all about it!

Victoria Quilliam
a year ago

Myself and my husband joined the in person course with Titia for the birth of our first baby. We found the course really informative and helped us gain confidence in our decision making ahead of and during the birth of our baby boy. Titia was a great course leader, really calming and I felt I was in a safe space to share my fears and experiences. The birth partner exercises and techniques meant my husband also felt as informed as me, which definitely was a massive support during my birth! I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to be prepared and empowered for their birth journey!

a year ago

I’m a mom of three and all three were born at home. The first birth was intense but good in the sense that I did not know what to expect (I really had no clue as I hadn’t taken any course or hadn’t spoken to any mom before) and somehow I was in a trusting place and could focus quite well on the body instead of my mind.
At the second birth, I had a very hard time because I noticed that my mind wouldn’t stop, I felt fear, I felt pain and I just could not enjoy the moment. Between the first and the second birth, I had met many moms and heard many stories and I had a lot of feelings that I did not know what to do with. And during birth I was just completely overwhelmed by all these feelings, the fear and worries. That was when I swore to myself that if I had a third child, I would prepare better and take a hypnobirthing course, something I had heard of but never thought it would be necessary.

So when I was pregnant with our third child, I started researching and I quickly found Titia. And wow, I can say it was the best investment of my life!!
The course with her was great. It was easy, fun, super interesting - I learned so much about my body! - and I really had a great time. I practiced everything I had learned with her, focusing mostly on the breathing exercises, listening to the audios that she gave me, and through that, I was training my mind to focus and to relax.
And the birth was AMAZING!! I can really say that I enjoyed it A LOT and I even found it a bit too quick - and I know many people would not believe this.
So, if you’re pregnant, don’t think twice. Take a course with Titia, you will not regret it!
Thank you Titia, for teaching me all this amazing knowledge.

Luo Jia
a year ago

We did the in person course with Titia and we enjoyed the personal attention. Titia has a wonderfully calming presence and we enjoyed her style of delivery. I found the course really positive, it helped me begin to unlearn a lot of negative associations I had with childbirth due to media and the birth stories of family and friends. It really helped me feel informed and it was easy to follow. It was very helpful for the conversations between me and my partner and it helped us to prepare for my first birth as a team. It also made it much easier for my partner to get involved. After every class we had new things to think and discuss about. It really opened the conversation about our expectations for the birth of our son.

2 years ago

Aan het einde van de zwangerschap ben ik door Titia benaderd voor een hypnobirthing. Wat was dit fijn en heb ik hier veel aan gehad! Titia is een hele fijne vrouw met een prettig stem om naar te luisteren. Ze neemt alle tijd voor je en stelt de juiste gerichte vragen. Ondanks dat mijn bevalling totaal anders liep dan verwacht heb ik ontzettend veel aan de sessies gehad. Bedankt lieve Titia!

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