1:1 Meetings 

So you can start creating your positive birth experience!

Ready to explore how my expertise and experience can help you get you an enjoyable pregnancy and prepare for an amazing birth experience? Let's connect, discuss your unique needs, and set the stage for a truly empowering birthing adventure. 

A personalized meeting via GoToMeeting

Ready to explore how my expertise and experience can help you get you an enjoyable pregnancy and prepare for an amazing birth experience? Then schedule your introductory meeting. Let's connect, discuss your unique needs, and set the stage for a truly empowering birthing adventure. 

A personalized meeting to set up your birth plan

Do you know what you want during your birth? Does your partner know what you want? Is your partner comfortable with this? Do you know what choices you can make during and after birth? Do you know your rights in childbirth? Are you able to speak about this with your healthcare provider?

A bit lost in all this?!! Still like to plan for a positive birth experience?

This is where the 1:1 birth plan meeting comes in!

In this meeting both you and your birth partner will gain comprehensive insights into the choices available, ensuring your birth plan perfectly aligns with your preferences.