Private Antenatal HypnoBirthing® Course
The antenatal course for an amazing birth experience on your terms!

Do you recognize this?
You are loving the life in Spain, but being pregnant in here suddenly makes things different. It feels a bit uneasy now. You are uncertain of how it all works when you are pregnant in Spain. They say birth is very much medicalized here, but what does that actually mean? Are there hospitals that support natural birth? Is a water brith possible? Or a home birth? Do they have birth centres? You have no clue and that makes you feel even more uneasy.
Now your belly is growing and things become to get more real, you start to realise that you only have a vague idea of how you want the birth to go. Therefore questions keep popping up in your head when you think about birth: ´How does my body know what to do to get the baby out? Doesn't the baby get hurt in the process? How on earth does the head of a grown baby fit through? Is it true women poo during birth and isn't that gross?´ In fact, you try to reason it out but you hardly know how a natural birth works. The lack of real knowledge makes you feel insecure.
The memories of past menstrual pains cast a shadow of doubt on the idea of a natural birth. The mere thought of those familiar twinges extended over hours makes you unsure if natural birth is a good idea. It sounds nice, and yes you want a good start for your baby, but some nagging questions emerge; ¨Can I truly endure the intensity of birth? What if the pain becomes too overwhelming? What if I ask too much of myself?¨ The thought of not knowing how to cope with the pain worries you.
You have a nice healthcare provider and are happy with the appointments so far, but a few things start bothering you; your healthcare provider cannot guarantee she will attend your birth, when you question her advice and ask for more clarity she doesn't seem to happy about it and your questions do not get fully answered. You start wondering if you chose the right healthcare provider and what actually your options are. Can you change to another healthcare provider? Or should you try to open the conversation once again? You are unsure how to go about this and the worries keep piling up.
Lately you have been listening to some positive birth podcasts and it absolutely inspires you! Incredible how these ladies speak about their birth! They look back with such joy and they seem so confident! You realize you have no idea how to get to such a positive mindset about birth. Frankly, you feel pretty anxious about birth and wonder: ´Will it be possible for me to look back at birth in the same way these women do?´
How would it be for you if...
… your options for birth are clear, you understand the maternity system in Spain and you know in which type of setting you want to give birth.
… you know you´ve got this! You feel totally confident and informed because you now know exactly how birth works. You even look forward to giving birth!
… you are not afraid of the pain anymore. You have the tools to deal with the intensity of birth and have the confidence you can handle this!
… you feel comfortable with the birth place and healthcare providers you chose because you know they will support you in the birth you desire.
… you´ve overcome your fears and had an amazing birth, because you where ready, no matter where your birth would take you.
That is all possible when you book the private HypnoBirthing course. This is your way to an informed and empowered birth!
This is what is included in the private HypnoBirthing course:
5 times 2,5 hour sessions once a week during 5 weeks*
The flexibility to plan the course hours that fit your schedule*
Either in the comfort of your own home* or on location in Málaga
The HypnoBirthing Book and downloadable audio
A handout with scripts, a birth plan, and loads of information
An email after each class with a short recap, look ahead to what will be covered the next class, extra information and positive birth stories for extra inspiration.
During and after the course until 4 weeks after you gave birth you can contact me via WhatsApp and e-mail for support
You can join the Mums of Malaga community on Facebook where mothers-to-be and mothers with young children come together online and offline
A goody bag with supportive products for before, during and after birth
Birth preferences template and sample letter
* Plus
- Intensify the schedule to two full days if preferred
- Or stretch the sessions over more weeks, ensuring completion within a maximum of 10 weeks for optimal results.

After this 5 week antenatal program you will:
>> possess a comprehensive understanding of the Spanish maternity system, enabling you to navigate it with ease. Armed with knowledge and insight, you will confidently choose the best care provider and environment that align with your birth preferences. Gone are the feelings of unease and confusion; in their place, you will feel prepared to embrace the birth experience you desire.
>> understand how natural birth works and the remarkable capabilities of your body. You will approach labour and birth with a sense of calm assurance. Trusting your body and knowing that you are fully prepared to welcome your baby into the world in a gentle and natural manner. Therefore you will enjoy the rest of your pregnancy knowing you will rock this!
>> have replaced the worries and concerns that once clouded your outlook of childbirth with a newfound understanding and confidence. Armed with invaluable tools and techniques to handle the intensity of childbirth. You'll embrace your birth experience with a sense of empowerment, equipped to manage the natural ebb and flow of birthing sensations.
>> assertively you take charge of your birth experience because you know what your options and rights are. Through open and informed dialogue with your healthcare provider, you will find your way through the healthcare system. Chasing the best healthcare provider and birth environment for you. You will be equipped with the tools and confidence to advocate for yourself, making your own informed decisions, ensuring that your birth experience is a reflection of your values, desires and preferences.
>> be ready to be the guest in your favourite positive birth podcast! Now you have your own story to tell and you can inspire other women to prepare for their amazing birth on their terms!
Undoubtedly, the journey to parenthood is filled with exciting choices and each contributing to your unique experience. Your desire for a positive and empowering birth experience is truly commendable, and to cater to your individual needs, I offer the Private HypnoBirthing Course at an investment of €575,-
Consider this not just as a course fee but as an investment in a positive birth experience that you, your partner, and your little one will carry with you for the rest of your lives. When compared to traditional baby investments like prams or nursery furnishings, which often exceed €800,- and have a limited lifespan of just around 4 years. The private course offers unparalleled value. The impact of a positive birth experience, however, lasts a lifetime!
Why opt for the Private HypnoBirthing Course?
Tailored to your life
The private sessions follow a standardized program but come with the flexibility to adapt class times and days to suit your busy schedule. This ensures that your journey towards parenthood is seamlessly woven into your life.
Personalized attention
Unlike group sessions, the private course allows for more individual time for you and your partner. Dive deeper into specific subjects that matter most to you, and receive personalized attention.
Adaptable curriculum
Each journey is unique. The private course allows me to pay more attention to subjects that resonate with you and less attention to subject that are less important for you personally.
Private and personal
Enjoy the privilege of discussing personal concerns and questions in a private setting. The one-on-one sessions provide you with the comfort and confidentiality to address any individual needs or queries you may have.

Moms experiences of the Private Antenatal HypnoBirthing Course in Malaga Province
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Of course it can be that your question is not yet answered or you simply want to get to know me a bit more first. In that case don´t wait, book an 1:1 with me and get your questions answered!