Free HypnoBirthing Workshop


Feeling a little unsure of what programme to invest in?


Want to know how to have an EMPOWERED & POSITIVE birth experience?


In this 90 minute workshop you will learn what HypnoBirthing is all about and how you can prepare yourself so your baby can be BORN IN TRUST!

Limited seats - so book by e-mail to ensure your spot

You will learn;

  • Why it is important to give birth on your own terms
  • A glimps of how the Spanish maternity system works
  • How to experience less worry & concerns
  • Why your choice of care-provider & environment is important
  • How to avoid birth trauma
  • How to reduce the likelihood of needing any intervention
  • How HypnoBirthing can help you birth in TRUST


Book Your Spot Now and Embrace Your Path to an Empowered and Positive Birth!